Investor Relations

Shares and Stock Market


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The following information does not constitute an offer for sale or an invitation to provide an offer for purchase or tender for shares in Hoffmann AHG SE, but serves exclusively for information purposes.

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The following information is directed at people who live or whose business is based in Germany. Access to the following information is only permitted for these prospective clients. Placing this information online does not constitute an offer to people living or whose business is based in other countries, in particular in the USA, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Canada and Japan.
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No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of this information.

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The following information does not constitute investment advice.

Future Predictions
Insofar as forecasts, assessments, opinions or expectations are expressed or future predictions made in the following information, these statements may be connected with known and unknown risks and uncertainties. The actual results and developments may therefore differ considerably from the expectations and assumptions made.

High-Risk Investments

Shares in high-growth companies can offer great opportunities but inevitably also involve high risks. Shares in high-growth companies therefore in principle constitute a high-risk financial investment. An investment loss cannot be ruled out. This type of investment is therefore generally better suited to diversification as part of a wider portfolio strategy.

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